Beau, about "direct action", you said that it "needs to be big enough to matter and small enough to win". How about this: Call on the various Unions (including the APWU, NALC, and NMHU) to enlist their paid business agents to directly assist the Democratic Party in collecting the mail-in ballots, directly, from those who might otherwise have tried to use the Postal Service and have them to either drive those who want them to be counted to the outside drop box in each county for them to deposit with their own hands or to have those same Postal Union Agents collect these mail-in ballots, en mass, at places like nursing homes and deliver them, personally, to the drop boxes to be counted. This idea could be expanded to include other Union officials across the USA and they might even be enlisted to assist anyone who wished to vote by mail in properly executing their ballot, including things like have them sign the envelopes, where required by law in order to be counted. This new Postmaster General has declared that all "Political Mail" will be treated as other than first class mail. This means that the Postal Service has forfeited their legal right to claim a "Monopoly" over first class mail as extending to the delivery of the Mail-in ballots. It is important to let the USPS DELIVER the ballots TO THE VOTERS, SINCE THEY KNOW WHERE THEY LIVE..ON THE OTHER HAND, it will be up to the Democratic Party and the Union Officials to cold-call and/or visit identified Voters, who wish to use the mail-in ballots. To be completely fair, this service should be offered to EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO EXECUTE A "MAIL-IN BALLOT". There could be a notice in the newspaper or a press release to the TV and other media, giving the contact information for those Union Agents who want to help with this.. By the way, there is no reason to think that every paid member of every AFL-CIO affiliated Union might not want to help with this. They all want a fair election and , coincidentally, they all hate Trump.. Anyway, as you, say, "It's Just a thought.". FEEL FREE TO CLAIM THIS IDEA AS YOUR OWN.. ALL I CARE ABOUT IS THAT IT HAPPENS. Full Disclosure: I am a retired Postal Worker, and former Local #1280 APWU President, living overseas and worried to death for the future of my country.